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Michigan Corps prepares to launch out of Detroit

Michigan Corps' work to help students and entreprenures begins in Detroit.
By Jon Zemke

The Michigan Corps plans to establish itself as a economic and educational player from its headquarters in downtown Detroit this year.

The non-profit started by former Googler Rishi Jaitly and his wife Anuja Jaintly launched last summer as a way of leveraging the resources and expertise of ex-pat Michiganders to help push the state's economy forward. It made quite the splash at first, attracting big national names like CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta and former Digg CEO Jay Adelson, among others.

The Michigan Corps has broadened its reach to include not only ex-pats but local leaders in Michigan. It plans to maximize these connections and resources in 2011 by helping push forward educational and entrepreneurial opportunities with big potential. Jaitly points out these could mean helping successful ex-pat businesspeople mentor or partner entrepreneurs here or help more people attain higher levels of education.

"That's what this new era of philanthropy is all about," Jaitly says. "It's not about writing checks but connecting people."

The Michigan Corps is currently made up of two people. Jaitly expects to add two more people to its staff in Detroit later this year. However, he says the impact will be felt as the non-profit helps more companies and schools thus creating more jobs and improving Michigan's workforce.

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